Chess Evolved Online Wikia

The AirElemental is a Epic Champion from the Basic Faction.

If you want to see its current moveset or any other unit's moveset (or the moveset it had in any version from 0.37 to 0.56 both included) here is the link (credits to main_gj):

It costs 7 at base, 9 at +, 11 at ++ and 13 at +++.

The AirElemental has the ability to upgrade itself by using its Magic [Ranged] on an enemy unit. At +++, it instead summons sylphs. This ability makes the Magic targeted areas important to avoid, unless you don't care about AirElemental being upgraded nor one of your pieces being pushed away. However, it loses 6 value on kill, and if its value reaches 0, it transforms into a Sylph of the same tier, forcing you to use its magic to avoid losing the AirElemental.

Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy | Upgrades (+/-)

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Quick Stat: AirElemental[]

Name Rarity Class Faction Cost
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
AirElemental Epic Champion Basic 8 10 12 14

Tier 2: AirElemental+[]

Changes from AirElemental: 2

Tier 3: AirElemental++[]

Changes from AirElemental+: 2

Tier 4: AirElemental+++[]

Changes from AirElemental++: 2

(Note: This section is added automatically using template. To edit, see example in Bat. +/-)

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Airelemental is able to use its ranged magic to have control over an area, as an opponent will not want airelemental to promote or gain value. It also gains more and more orthogonal control as it upgrades, causing it to be more dangerous and almost like a more powerful rook. Airelemental also is relatively cheap at lower levels, allowing easy trades even if it dies in the process.


Airelemental can only take two (or three if it is at +++ tier) pieces before it dies, unless it promotes. In addition, if its magic is blocked by pieces, it cannot push them. The sylphs can also be counter intuitive if an opponent has a vampire or Gluttony
